Tuesday, 30 December 2008

What bloody pain an identity can be

The other day finally realising I just couldn't go to sleep. I decided to work on my logo yet again! Last year I created a logo for myself more of an illustration styled one. I also did some where i looked more at colour, as I knew I wanted to keep the same type and colour really just how that colour was put onto the text. I also played around with the coloured ao'connor type just adjusting where everything shud go, and wether or not to include Connor. As I said it my crit I hate my name for a logo/identity but everyone said you can do so much with it.I just hope i've done the right thing. But after just looking at it-grey or in colour, adding the Connor or not, adjusting where the type should go. I even aligned it altogether but the a just didn't look right. So after all that I just decided to stick with what i've got...I think it looks ok?

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