She made a slide show of things you should consider:
She first said that when first going into illustration you need to define your market, where do you see yourself working?
She said to look at publications, magasines etc to see whats around, and what art directors are looking for-Look at the current state of illustration. In these publications look for who commisioned the work and phone the company and ask at the switchboard.
Buy directories such as aoi, filefx, bikinlist, Time saving but expensive.
The first main point she bought up was
Self Promotion
Create a piece of work that is original, memorable and valuable.
Create something original, inventive. Handmade stuff and originals get more attention show personal.
Something that will stand out, demonstrate your way of thinking/communicating an idea.Collect stuff that other people have done.Trial and error does this work for you?
Working as a poster or a book, something that works as all things combine ideas.Think outside the box.
Show an opinion.
Contacting ad agencies/if you get called for an appointment
Spell names right
Respect the ads verybusy people
Send stuff evry 6 months
Dint send a4s they get lost
Don’t chase them up.
Cover letter. If they can use your work or not.
Show your portfolio
Collect names and call them make appointments.
Portfolio Make it impeccable no dirt marks etc.
Include work that is only relevant to the client work they want to see.
Work to be commissioned at the front.
Only include the work you are proud of.
Experimatal work goes in the back a3 portflio is the largest size.
No more than 20 pieces.
Sketchbooks not so interested.
Take a buisness card
Ask director who could be of interest/who else they can recommend.
Create a website.
make It interesting easy to navigate, simple, just wrk is about.
About yourself how to contact you, whats been I the press.
Illustration mundo.
With other illustrators
People you studied with
Keep in regular contact with your clients-occassionally send a postcard.
Organise an exhibition with friends.
Get commissioned-CONFIRM IN WRITING.
make ure you own your copyright agreed fee and copyright(@and your name)
Do not give it away even if they ask you offer a liscense instead.
Read all te small print especially where it says all rights.
Sell it if it only makes sense.
What is the illustration used for?
How big is the client/How big is the budget?
Circulation?100/1000 copies?
Area and duration of the liscense?
Country and hw long.
Wait for your price take your time
Number name of client. Person who commissioned you, fee, expenses, copyright belongs to you, Paid within 30 days.. Charge them for impress over 30 days charge them for delay.
To negotiate the best contracts for illustrators.
Manage the illustrators work load
Chase clients.
Special deals for annuals.
Prefer taking mature illustrators.
You pay them 25-30% commissioing on each job
You pay for promotion costs/book fee every year.
You have to pay for commission on work that you generated yourself..
Change work change price maybe.
Rough then they don’t want it they have to pay you half. Some people don’t understand this.
Paid for a pitch.
Work to any size if you have the equipment.
She also showed us some of her pieces she had self-initiated something like how she would would treat a poem or some thing a client gives you. She said that even though she doesn't really do editorial pieces, she showed how she would treat this by doing these self-initiated projects, so that if a client said can you show me how you would do this, she could show it to the client, and not only would it show that she can do it, it would show her passion for illustration as she is willing to do some of her own things outside of work.
Sending things out takes a long time but do reply eventually can be de motivating but can be good. Web is good as it. People write about you add you etc.
Overall I found this a really interesting lecture, she really made some good points,a nd even though I don't really want to do illustration in the future I found it very interesting still, as I felt that what she said could have been to applied to anything.
She showed her some of her work on different websites, and she really has made good use of the web to promote herself
The first one she said was to do with pollution in China, and the second one was about men that don't want to dance/ men don't dance, and women do. The last one was one of those ads that are in newspaper, where by people are looking for other people, like lonely hearts ad, where by they describe themselves, and this is how she illustrated it with type and then the imagery to go with the text, I thought that this was nicely done as it involves both type and illustration and thought as well it was a nice way of presenting , and a nice thing to illustrate.
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