Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Yet again I've come to that point where late at night all I can think about is yet again I have to do some!

I'm thinking about my proffessional project mainly just about timing and research, i feel like I need to keep researching having done a hell of a lot already...I'm sure I've done everything they have said about? It's hard... I just keep thinking about if I need to do more!

Things I've researched

  • Illustrators- collage and fashion.
  • Newspaper design
  • Newspaper- everything about them.
  • News stories
  • Fashion disasters, worst fashions
  • Fashion graveyard which links it to a news story.

Oh god it just doesn't seem enough! But I've researched each one in bulk, putting it all together it seems like I probably researched enough but in my mind its not resting!

I feel like I'm really ready for designing though and I've got all this research I think it's confusing me because I've done i and I like so much of it that I don't know what style of illustration I would like to follow it's collage but just I like a lot of the styles I've looked at...


the best thing to do is look at my research ..take a step back and write what I like about them, and pick bits out, I keep looking at illustrators on a daily basis, but I think I finally have to come to a stop! So I will look at them and then make a list, and then just start designing..which I'm really excited about!

I don't want to have to keep putting off designing, but I think this will help me!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

I see the tears from binocualrs, third year tutor mops them up

Went to a BA Hons Graphic Design today this afternoon.

Honest scared the shit out of me......

He said about it being very much you, and your own thinking, 'we are the facilitators', and its student centered. He talked about that you are given the brief, and you just do it, for example last year they were given a brief with a title called 90 minutes and they had to think about how they could graphically represent this, they say come back in a week with some ideas/ research, I know this is like our course but they seem to really be quite strict about this.

Something about dates for tutorials and they don't give fuck about if you come or not, present research etc. Dates are there and thats it., and if you say what do I do next they go fuck off or dumbstruck.

They showed us live brief work that just looked so proffessional- I have to really make my fmp like this.  I feel that if I want to feel happy and achieve getting into the third year I really have to prove to myself that I can produce the level of standard they seem to be at.

A lot of the work is where you have to find your own problem and you just research etc. The major point he said was about research being very strong and is what leads us to our ideas. He was really emphasising this and seemed to be the main point of the talk. 

He also went through the outline of the course ...  which I'm not going to bore you with.

He said about the projects individually, about it just being 'very very very very self projected' ... this is what I want, I do but at the end it just made me think am I really good enough? Am I really at that level where I think that I can work like this, like they are?
Everything made sense, absoloutly everything! Its just there to build ourselves up for the future, for our career, a lot of it seemed to be written work , but the good thing he said was that at the last project you can either major or minor in the written aspect/ or major or minor in the practical side... sorted, handwritten work has never been my thing.. the work just looked really good. many people seem to be concerned about the fact as being branded as FDA people?  As I write this I'm writing this I'm trying to convince myself that I can... just thinking.........................

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Have u seen..

the GOD AWFULNESS that is the crisis logo check it out

Finish the D&AD

Today we went to the photography department and asked if we could get some kind of special lens- don't really know ask Martin!

But they just said to grab a a photography student so we met Andes who took a a few shots for us, and then put them on a disk, when we got back to the studio we put it on the computer.. but... it got rejected so we tried like the 5/6 Martin had , but none of them worked so we tried it on another computer... and finally it worked! WOOP!

I swear every time me and Martin work together we get these stupid trip ups... which are so small, but we usually get quite tired from working on things and small things like this just seem silly! but anyways... we worked on this in Photoshop, and used the burn tool as the crisis logo didn't come out that much, but the red came out which is what we had problems on the last shoot, but the red wouldn't come out, but we got that done, came into indesign, used help support us at

Got the logo in black though we did try red- but god it didn't work, created an opaque box around it and a semi circle for the crisis logo to be placed, we had to scale it down though several times as it just is so bold, we thought as the logo is just GOD AWFUL that it would have been good if we could have redesigned it but thats off the point.. but yeah then we organised where it should go on the page, we decided near the bottom but thats what we have to figure out...but we are so much happier with it than the one we did previously... it just works.

Sunday, 8 March 2009


Just to do in the morning

  • Scan images- and organise-PDF it, and print.
  • Write a bit more on the parts I said I had to do.
  • Just tweak my CV.
  • Print off the rest of my portfolio.
Hand in

Saturday, 7 March 2009

More of organising time

This is just what I need to do for the rest of the week-organising what needs to be done and by when to keep on top of my work, ready for my hand in.

What I need to do to complete my blog, even though this is continuing after PPRD deadline we have to show evidence of writing about our work and organising our time etc.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

what I need to do to make my blog work

By monday I have to.......

the question mark or the exclamation?!


This morning we worked on the actual key ring, after Neil suggesting that we use a plastic key ring instead of paper, we looked into this.

We knew that we wanted red type on a cream background. We looked at slanting our tag line, but I raised the fact that I wasn't completly happy with the question mark and thought instead of having an exclamation mark.

The this with this is that a question mark would make people consider whether or not it would be uncomfortable- so its more about the audience thinking, whereas an exclamation mark I think would put more to the audience that we know it would be uncomfortable- something that is more opinion based. When r around homelessness we saw that some people were fine with living on the streets, whereas others weren't. But in the end we decided to go with the question mark as more of an thought provoking thing, and then the audience could decide for themselves.

The only reason I thought about it was looking into how people would find it if they was a homeowner, and then were forced to live on the streets, that they would feel less comfortable, from house to street.

The final key ring tags........

And the final key and key ring........

The key ring and Neil...........

Neil said that he wasn't sure about the slant for the UNCOMFORTABLE? We did this because it was uncomfortable to read, neil said he gets what we mean but he prefered the other side as it looked like more of a 'key ring', to be honest I didn't really get that. He said about the more white space on the photography/poster side as orginally he thought it was to cramped on the page. Another comment he made was that the key looked too shopped, which I do agree with- I didn't neccessarily knew how he meant but then I just thought he meant the text, so we decided to put some texture on this.

Then we made the actual poster, with some simple text like a tag line and then the crisis logo.. we had some problems with this as the background kept coming up as white when we placed it into indesign, on their actual crisis website the logo comes up al pixilated, so we had to just go on the D&AD website in which they had a black one ....

A red one....

and some blank one.... maybe it was to be a white one?

but I just would have thought that crisis would have their own logo that wasn't pixelated.....

But finally with the help of D&AD website it worked and with the background being transparent.

After talking to Neil we had Daniel take another photograph with more white space............

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Charlottes Library Session

Today Charlotte cam in from the library she taught us how to look for books/ reference material/ and how to go about this, first you need a subject area. topic to look at, and think about the keywords linked to this. You can use the library catalogue or other ones (which she gave us).

She gave us some exercises to do-

  • One of them was look through DAA- this is on the arts institute webpage at
  • Select Databases on the right hand menu
  • An A-Z list of catalogues appear, select Design and applied arts index, (DAA).
You can use an advanced search too, and refine your search, look at research results, and show the full record of the book- which is also useful for bibliographies.

Two was Art Full text so you back to the a-z list click on art full text, this is more of an advanced search, type what you want and there are different types of results

  • FULL TEXT-Read the whole article online
  • FULL TEXT PDF--The whole article as it appears in the original journal with pcture.
  • References to articles and journals. Checks the library have a copy. Click on the blue title link to get the source details.

She explained this very thoroughly- though this is brief, but the session really helped me understand how to use the databases and I thought it was really well organised, and if we got stuck she helped us, and she had the time to go to everyone, which isn't the case as always.

Workshops and Materials

For D&AD we looked into materials we could possibly use for our key- in the end we went with plastic. W went to a workshop within uni and asked if they could do us some keys- they said yes and talked about etching and cutting.

He showed us a few samples....

The etching showed up so clear on clear plastic and we loved this, the cutting was also so precise, absolutely perfection.

We then looked at other samples- using colour, as we wanted the key in red, but the only problem was that the etching didn't show up as well, if much, so we said about doing it in clear, and even though it wasn't the exact turned out to work exactly as we wanted.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

According to my mac its 5;28 in the morning

But I've been up since just before 5..I'm so restless and the only thing I can think about is work..well my portfolio or what I need to do today..and I've only had four hours of sleep.

So I've decided to release my restlessness with blogging..I;m maybe a bit slower at typing but I have to do this so that just maybe I can fall back asleep and have this off my mind!


What I want in it;

MAA- include screenshots of website, logo(one page A3). Experiments and powerpoint template.
D&AD- poster.
WEBSITE-screenshots need to be done.
FIRST EVER PROJECT- really enjoyed this and even shows my style now.

This is all I have at the moment I'm just trying to think what else I believe is 'portfolio standard', was thinking maybe the first ever project- I really enjoyed it and it even represets my 'style now'.

But what else I'm concerned about the lack of stuff I have, and just what else I can put in there- maybe thats enough for now, and it will have more after- PAL, and of course my proffesional project.

How to present and design- My ideal job would be in editorial design, but then I would also like to do some of my collage-graphic illustrations, but my main passion although may not sem it is editorial design. So i was thinking of making my CV into a double page spread ( no bigger than A3). I was thinking of making it different as I don't want no A4 bog standard rubbish that no one wil be interested in and doesn't make anyone want to look at it, or show what I want to do/ have an interest in/ show me as a person.

and I think the last thing I'm worrying about is..organising my week/ just tomorrow?


  • Got to uni
  • Print off PAL stuff to edit- which I would like to take an hour as theres a lot of stuff to do through.
  • Write my list of work to put into portfolio.
  • Meet Jonathan  and see what we have edited- a comparison to see what we really need in the end product.
  • Even calling Martin to tell him I want to see him tuesday for 2 hours tops so we can get the D&AD poster done is on my mind.
  • The PORTFOLIO-organising everything ready to send to print for tuesday- hoping I can get this by wednesday.
  • Paying for the portfolio.
Yeh.. I think this ..meeting with Anna - seems to ..dare I say it be my hinderance to be honest.
Maybe I can get to sleep now......

The day I wanted to do my list.. I managed to do all of it pretty much -except from buy my portfolio, which I will do tomorrow! I managed to plan my time really well, me and Martin said we would finish off the tags, print them and then tie it together, and then talk to Neil about the final piece tomorrow.

So things I need to do tomorrow are;

FINISH THE TAGS-hopefully done in the morning
JONATHAN DALY -look at the best British Editorial i said i would bring in, and also need to have some research on how to fold paper to make it more interactive.
PORTFOLIO- MAA things. Such as the website, the logo and the experiments.
-FIRST YEAR THINGS, the editorial illustration project.

BLOGGING- which I will mainly focus on in the evening, and also Anna's project- get my images I want to use sorted.

dAY TO DO THESE THINGS.... So much for doing this, I managed to pull my back in the early hours of the morning, and have been confined to my bed. So therefore I couldn't buy the portfolio, or present my MAA work. (so annoying)!

I guess the good thing is that I can spend the day writing on my blog, and almost end up finishing it, I managed to re-plan what I wanted t do.

So now I will be meeting Jonathan tomorrow- which had to be rescheduled due to his hand in tomorrow, and then monday I am going to meet Martin which does work out better, due to PPRD hand in.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

MAA - the presentation

This went really well- Adam and me had to present this to the clients. I was really nervous going into it, but they seemed really nice!

Personally i'm not good talking to people in groups- I get so nervous! So we decided that Adam would be a good person to present...he can talk for England, and is a real confident speaker. I did present our website though!

overall it went really well I think,we also got asked some questions about logo- such as the type, about rotating it, some really amazing questions - by kit mainly- which made me really think, and I think these questions posed were really good and thought- provoking.

Overall I got the impression that they liked our presentation we( then and there) got some good feedback - like the fact they liked our logo and thought out presentation was proffesional. 
So i felt really confident and happy... and a few days later I found out that we got into the top 3, I was so happy, I emailed Martin( on holiday with the good news).

So in  about 1/2 weeks we find out who the winner is, and overall even if we don't win i believe we all have some strong portfolio work.

Working with Adam and Martin:
Having worked on D&AD with Martin I already knew that I could work very well with him already, however I hadn't worked with Adam before, I know him but working in a group is completely different, but I found him quite good to work with- he has a lot of good points to make, and is quite decisive which is good because sometimes both me and Martin together sometimes we found it quite hard to make decisions. 
It doesn't mean that Adam made all the decisions, but it means that Adam gave us something to think about and made us think more and come to a decision quicker.

We also had so much fun - when it came to putting the logo into powerpoint and it turning into the eggs, and when we had problems with the simplist if things, like aligning the text on the letterhead to be placed in the middle. It took us longer to do this than the website. I found that Adam had almost given up, sometimes you can just tell, where as me and Martin just laughed. You could also tell with Adam if for example we was working on the website, and choosing whether or not to have the map on the background, I thought that we should have the map, and even on the homepage to make it consistant, but Martin and Adam said that we shouldn't, we decided in the end to have the map on the background,, you could tell Martin was happy in the end with this decision, and even though Adam agreed, I think that you could tell he wasn't so happy.

This is what we showed for our presentation...............

The Powerpoint template and the egg!

We created the powerpoint presentation for the MAA with only two simple slides

1.  This page had the logo in the centre
2. This page had the logo in the bottom right hand corner with a line on either side.

And for some reason when we saved the presentation and then opened it up again two eggs came up, on both of the slides- powerpoint must have split up the logo in two- but we had no idea why!?!

... then we saved it as a different thing and it opened up we went home.. and then a few hours later I got a text with Martin saying the eggs are back.

If anyone can tell us why this happened.. then feel free to explain.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

PAL- live brief 2

PAL- Peer 

This is something that happens throughout universities, where by a group pf people, split into smaller groups help first year students organise/ talk about their work. What we have to do is to produce something in which they keep all their training work in/ things that help them/ make them organise their group. Sort of like a guide for PAL

I wasn't quite sure about this to be honest mainly because of the work I have to do already, but I thought it would be a nice little thing to do just as an extra thing. I thought it was quite a nice little brief and might be fun to do, also I would like to do something quite editorial based so I think this could be a good one to do. There are about 8 people doing this and we was going to work altogether on this, but after thinking about it i just thought that maybe so many people in one group, some people may be too overpowering and maybe not everyone would have the opportunity to speak and get their opinion across. 

So I spoke to Kit about my concerns and she did say this even in the briefing that if we wanted to that we could would throw this open to the first years and if you wanted to join them we could so I said that I would be more comfortable with this.

I think that really it will be better for me to do this I feel that in a big group some people would not be able to say what they think and it could be too overpowering, and although its good to have lots of ideas and opinions I think that it could be a potential that you could spend too much time talking bout ideas etc in big groups, whereas in a smaller group I think the time would be used more constuctivly.

I saw met my person!
Yay! Been so nervous about who it is..and I met them monday..jonathan daly..who seems really cool bearing in mind I wasn't quite with it. We just discussed about what we needed to do, and then said what we should do for next time we meet.

Good things..
Love how jonathan seems so into this and the fact he seems quite organised! He also said after- right I'll go to the library then and look through some type..which was cool! Wether he did or not was another thing but it was good as he seemed interested in helping me out.

Meeting 2
Didn't go so well as I was ill with the flu! So I just said what we should do for next time and emaield him with some interesting links that he could have a browse through, and that we should have an edited version of the text we needed to cut- so we could compare what we thought needed to be edited.

Meeting 3
This I thought was quite a positive session! We discussed the fact that the end produc needs to made for under £5, as I forgot last time that. I had edited most of the text given to us, and explained the fact that when i read through it, the text was explained so simply, almost like a dummies guide to PAL, I just thought that it seemed so silly considering as uni students we are supposed to me more professional and  talk about things in a amore professional manner. Jonathan had also looked through the links i sent him and pulled out something that interested him, he said that maybe we should do something square, but its hard to design around this. He also looked at possible colours-grey and yellow, i mentioned red, but we both thought it was quite typical, and then we thought about the fact that we might not neccissarily make a book more of a folder or something that folds out like a poster, make it more interactive.

1st one Jonathan pulled out, looking at colours, good type. This he pulled out an its good because it showed a style he like straight away

We thought about colours and I emailed Sally and she said the colours were not changing on the logo-so do what you want. Next time I meet him we are going to show some thumbnails of layouts- images of interest, and crack on,,, we really need to start because I'm worrying about time on this , but I think we have a good start and good images, but I'm also worrying about the other group working on this, the ave some very strong people in this group and seem t be working very well on this a s group in things I red on Emily's blog they have organised themselves well, and like I said really strong people , as having seen there work I believe they are even though they area big group they have very strong team....I'm just hoping we can pull this one off- I want this soo bad! I feel like the competiton is really there and as part of hat I really want to do later I would really like to get this one! 

MAA- Live brief

Brief- MAA- Multi Area Agreement

They want a new logo, powerpoint and web template, The MAA works with Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth, the MAA brings these people together, this is the one thing that brings these people together. I decided to work with Martin who I worked with on the D&AD brief with and Adam in my class.

We first looked at creating the logo,  firstly looking at the colours of all three logos ad decided to use green, blue and a light orange. These colours were used in all of the logos combined. We already had a pre- idea of using a tri-logo, either hands or legs, and then we thought of a globe, which would represent sand, the land and the sea. We looked at images / things we could do with this such as changing the shapes of where the lines meet. We also looked at how we could present this logo- be it changing where the type goes, we even looked into using either MAA or Multi Area Agreement. For this I did some quick initial experiments in how we could do this.

Powerpoint Template
The first page was simply just the logo and in the second page we had to think about presenting the logo to give enough space for the information to be presented. We experimented with this, either by using a border or just a line at the bottom of the page. The end thing I thought was quite nice, as we had the Multi Area Agreement written underneath the main logo design we came up with incorporating this, as if it was part of the line. I thought this was a nice simple idea, as it look quite sophisticated as it was presented well.

Web Template


For the website we generally kept it quite simple, for the homepage we simply kept the logo in the middle.


We got quite stuck on this..maybe not stuck but it took a while for us to choose the final layout. First we just had the the simple colours, of the words Homepage, About Us and Contact in the three colours used in our logo. We then looked at creating small rounded rectangles around the words, and then kept the colours of the words and then changed the stroke the match the colours of the text. Then we looked at filling in he rectangles with the colours of the logo, looking then at the oppacity, but we decided this didn't look as good as the bolder colours. We also hanged the colour of the text which was another decision we had to make, we looked at making the rectangles have a white background, but decided that the bold colours with white text was the best.

We then looked as we did initially of using a line (like the powerpoint presentation). We used lines connecting the three rectangles, or just on either side. But then decided that having a line wasn't the best way.

 I think the layout made it easy for MAA, if they wanted to have more buttons, and therefore more information.

About Us

For this page yet again we kept this very simple and modern. We kept the logo in the same place as our powerpoint presentation. Then used a coloured square with the white text in the middle. For the buttons on this we kept them above the text and then made the same colours around and then joined both coloured squares togethter.

 The contacts page had the same layout.

Th web continued- next we decided as it would be quick to create the web with the working buttons for presentation purposes.


For this we just placed the logo and the contact information centrally.

Though you wouldn't think this would be a problem -it was! 
We had so many problems just placing the text centrally- I don't know why but the text just seemed to be ever so slightly to the one side. We finally figured this out, but it took us forever, we printed out loads and it just wasn't right! But god it was funny- the simplest f things and it took us that long!

Professional Project

The next thing to think about for our crit was where these illustrations will go, I went in the library yet again to do more research based on illustration.I looked at View 2 a fashion magazine, only to find an illustration style I had already used for another project. What they must do is hire an illustrator per season, (when the magazine comes out), and then they do the magazines illustrations for them. It's a series per issue, but they are so good and simple, photography of models down the catwalk, with tracing per over the top with line drawing of the photo behind it. with shapes cut out of the tracing paper to reveal some of the photograph. Very good!

But I tried to find other illustrations and most of them were just computer generated. So I looked through and in the magazine they had clothes laid out not on a person so it didn't have any figure, but just laid out, it made me think whether I could do this, most illustration is on a figure, so it's all thin, so maybe this could be a nice contrast  to what is out there already?And I could have the heads legs and arms coming through as one of those thin people.  So I got a few of these images collected. Just another thing I could do!

Now I want to design.............

At the start i just did some illustrations based on some images I had collected from fashion magazine View 2, whereby there were clothes just placed so it wasn't on a figure, but i thought this was quite nice as looking into fashion illustration it is al on figures, made to look typical, but I thought this would be a nice contrast to the norm?!

So I just started drawing some of these in my style.

For this I needed to look at the fashion Graveyards I had been looking at. I created a list of 15 in which then narrowed down based on the research that I had done in looking at each of the things on the list. I mainly took put things because i just couldn't find enough images based on each fashion graveyard and some mainly because i didn't think they were that bad like boho style, and some I just thought maybe boring to illustrate.

So i gathered these images and now I can really get stuck into this.

We also had a crit based on concept before wee split for easter..I managed to find my final place to put this in.. Originally I was thinking about The Guardian, but in looking at View 2 I found that they have a newspaper section of about no more than 8 pages, but I thought that this would be a good place as I'm just so sure about putting it in a newspaper and not in a magazine...So I told Mike and he said it was a nice idea but to put it into a Guardian format, as Vie 2 is just A4, whereas The Guardian is  nice size which has been recently changed 470mm by 315mm. (18.5 in by 12.4 mm), The Berliner.

What am i Illustrating...

Fashion based on worst trends according/in the Guardian a section called fashion Graveyards, I made a list of about 15, and narrowed it down to 8, they are;

Nude Clothing
Sass and Bide Leggings
Roberto Cavalli- Leopard Print, bejewelled necklines and skyhigh slits
Gareth Pugh
Tulip Skirts
Manty Hose
Clyde Shoes
Union Jack Clothing
Footless Tights

So Far I have done illustrations for Gareth Pugh; These seem to be going really well to be honest, I could do a whole 8 illustrations based on his clothes, i love the use of pattern and texture, its just great, and getting all that detail i think has made mt illustrations good, as its nice to see little details.

Nudes; I've just done 1 illustration for this, but I really like it, its so simple and I may just keep it, unless I have more time at the end. Though this is in fashion graveyard, in some way I like his clothing, though I wouldn't wear it I think his clothes are just different, more experimental and some people just don't like its difference.

Roberto Cavalli: This has been a a bugger, I drew one that had a really different stance on the model, I like it, but I keep looking at it and not being certain, but I've been drawing others and they just aren't good, but I'm willing to continue, its just finding the right images to work from

I was having a conversation about this with my sister, about what is in fashion graveyard- and I just said at the end of the day, its all opinionated. I mean whose to say Gareth Pughs are bad?
Tulip skirts- why are they so bad? Personally I love them, but I think the point was on big people they don't look good so this is what i will have to show on my illustration. Footless tights why are they so bad? I mean the are in look as a fashion must have or something, the don't look so bad to me.

Illustrating this was quite easy, I found several images on this, but it was a case of which one to illustrate, I found a lot with not a lot of pattern, so the images seemed to be lacking. But I finally found one with pattern on, when I finished it though I thought it looked a bit half done- like I spent a lot of time illustrating the skirt and then half-heartedly doing the top half. I gave this a rest just to see if later I could work over it/improve upon it

Sass and Bide leggings-  For this I looked at many images generally on the web, and then I looked at the Sass and Bide website, where I found several good shots of clothes with the leggings, with the models in different positions which would make the illustrations more unique, and strong. Some were quite hard to draw- for instance this one:

But others I found not so difficult, infact I've just found some others in different patterns;

These are quite interesting, zebra rats ( as they are called), pvc rats, and some that just show them off pretty well.

Footless tights- This one I have found quite difficult to illustrate, mainly due to the lack of research I could find, some of the image were pretty boring, but I tried to make the best out of it. I found when I was illustrating one of them , the model was wearing black shoes, so its hard to differentiate where the leggings end and the shoes begin.
Back to nudes- I found some other images on Style.
These were quite more detailed, they had more pattern though simple, throughout the means of illustration make a impact or change. I drew one of them, but to be honest prefer the previous one I did previously.
Union Jack- Now this was hard to illustrate, I looked a lot for any signs of Union Jack, the main ting I got was shops selling single items, I wanted to find something that was on a a model already ( as this seems to be for me the best way I can illustrate, when I can see the actual actual figure, i've tried illustrating figure and portraiture before, but I think this way I can get a feel for the lines and curves I need to draw). I found some images, where Kate Moss wears Union Jack clothing probably for Vogue;
The first image I illustrated (first one of Kate Moss), I drew but the proportions were a bit off, strangely I liked in tho in all it's weirdness, the second one I drew(second image of Kate Moss), I drew it but in looking at all the other illustrations I have done, it does to seem to fit in, to be coherent. But I do really like it, there's quite a lot of detail without being over the top, I also like the difference in composition, but I don't know wether it shows off the Union Jack theme enough.

But then there are others in which I think as a fashion they won't work like Mantyhose, but some people may love them. To me fashion is just so opinionated today.

Editorial illustration

I have looked at a few pieces of editorial illustration, mainly in newspapers such as The Guardian. Most of them are just cartoons done by an artist. others I have looked at I found in British best editorial. The first one I looked at is a really nice hand drawn illustration. There is a kind of collage style bout it, as there's several things put together, i also like the limitation in colour, using black and white with red, i think this is to represent the heart (love). The style of illustration is quite simple, doesn't look stylized, just drawn as the illustrator would do, but stylized in the way it all comes together as an image.

The second one i looked at is more digital, like a series of photos in a collage style. I love how it all comes together in layers, as to be made too look like a city. The colour works well too , yet again just the one colour with black and white.  I like how slick it looks, mainly due to the image and media. In terms of interpreting the text into imagery, it works very well based on architecture week, which the illustration portrays.

The third one simply because of how the type has been worked in to fit around the image works well. Using a mixture of both photography and hand drawn techniques to produce this illustration works well combined, and how one leads from the other.

The fourth one, the illustrations are very simple hand drawn imagery using black and white on a colour background. I like how it's set into strips, some heavily illustrated an some less, but focussing on the same subject matter.

Newspaper Cartoons, looking into these and reading the stories, most of the illustrations are interpreted by the head line, they are so clever in how they work, using imagery that you wouldn't first think of, maybe like the first one with the piggy bank representing a bank, maybe you'd just think to illustrate notes, or the flight slump being an illustration of a bird, very clever in how they work and funny.

Fashion illustration
Francois Berthoud
I looked at this illustrator as a main point of interest. I thought that the use/ way to look like it's textured works really well, i love this textured look, just by using pattern, this is something I really would consider when coming to my final illustrations, but how could I achieve this- there are so many ways, using materials, lino cutting, layering, using smooth materials, sewing, there are so many ways. This is something I am going to have to think about.

David Callow- this is a person I got recommended in the last crit, before easter. i looked quickly, I like the combination of hand drawn, and then what could be card around this, some of the colour is quite intricate. i like the style of hand drawn illustration too -it's very light, but highly detailed, Even thought the colour is intricate, only in places and the simple solid colours give off a good contrast between intricate detail of the people.

Designing the final outcomes:

I  have now almost finished ll of my illustrations, I need to just complete the 7th one and then do the 8th one which I already have my image chosen;

The second one mainly because of all the texture on it. Which I have illustrated but the proportions aren't right.

After this I have scanned in the images, I then took inspiration from the Wonderland talk we had, where they used bright colours and black and white photography ( which will be my black and white illustrations), before this I felt a bit hesitant about finishing off these illustrations- about how I would go about making them what I want, I think this talk with the person from Wonderland inspired me. He was also talking about the headings they did, or he did for each story, he said about using fonts that didn't really go together, and though my strong point really isn't type, I decided to look into this. 

Before this I used the concept of colour, I cut out the background in Photoshop and then some of the white spaces I drew with the pen tool in indesign, and made each of these a colour, like this one below, i cut out the circle on the clothing, I did do the same with the other one, but then added a larger circle, which I do think works well, makes it stand out and I think brings out the illustration more. (Gareth Pugh).

The second one took me ages to use the pen tool, I did have less brown shapes at the start but I didn't think it looked right, but I'm still not completely sure on it now. I did also have the small font gold at first but when I chose my colours for the large text, it just didn't seem to go, so I opted for the grey which works well with the purple. but I'm still not sure that some of the white is still exposed?! When I printed this out too, I think maybe the type looks a little large but as I printed it out A4 at first it may look fine on an A3.

Just Plain unflattering; this one I think i like the most, I'm trying to represent the image by the type, and I think this one does exactly that. It's quite a soft illustration- uncontrolled with no real harsh shades,  I tried to reflect that in the illustrations using what to me is an old looking font, but with a modern twist on the colours. For this also I found it hard on the image which colour to use, I did make it brown but I think the turquoise works well.

Sometimes I found it hard about which sections to make into a colour, how and what looks better?!

On the second one I found that you can write within a shape, I haven't done this on some ( like the rat leggings), but  I think the hanging in type works well on some and not on others.

4th one: this one I have found quite difficult to work with, especially the main type/heading. I just really didn't know what type to use, this type on the piece just dosen't look right to me, so I have changed it a few times, but I think I'm struggling with this.

But we have a crit today so it's something I can raise.

This crit went bloody awful if you ask me, Neil said about the illustrations even, he said what I could do now (bearing in mind we only have 2 weeks till the deadline), he said to take photographs, and then re-create these, but to be honest some of them are quite hard to do such as; Roberto Cavalli, Sass and Bide Rat leggings etc.

Then the other thing was the type, he said maybe you don't need it, but I this is something I was simply working on at the time, he said that maybe it would have been good to do some hand type. I felt like I just almost needed to start again.

But after I just thought with the time left to concentrate on the type, as I thought this is the major thing that would need changing. I must admit myself, as being not the strongest at type, I thought I would give myself a bit of a challenge,, so at the weekend I decided to make some finger paintings of type, or anything else that I could find, and then take these in monday and arrange these on the illustrations, which is exactly what i did. On monday I scanned in the type and started arranging it quite large over the illustrations I did, I continued this through tuesday and then most of wednesday. I thought that I would then ask one of my tutors to look at my work, so I asked Kit, I went through what my project was, and the main concern seemed to be that some of the text wasn't clear enough, so she said you could do one of two things:

1. was to make the text really small- put it in a corner or where the its not as obstructed by the illustration.

2. Or to put the text behind the image, so then the main thing isn't the text- as it felt overpowering when it was large and over the top of the illustrations. The illustrations are so delicate that the type was just more dominant , and this wasn't the point!

So I looked at the second option, me and Kit did a test in Illustrator which worked quite well.

However when I came to using the lasso tool in photoshop on my laptop it didn't seem to cut out when I placed it into illustrator. So I did the second one on y laptop, which in all honesty I think will actually look better, as some of the drawings I don't think would suit the second option, and I completly get the simplicity of the images as a whole.

Kit did say to try both of the options, but today I just set myself as an ultimate deadline, as I have to put these into an editorial. I still didn't finish one, footless tights, which I have scanned but I need to scan in the type and then arrange this, but I will go in early tomorrow and do this.

I want to show Neil and Mike these, and then I will get these printed.
8, A3 images.

I spoke to Kit after I had done this, she said about the geometrical shape, in the freak show (Gareth Pugh) one, she asked what the relevance of it was, I said it was mainly because it just seems to work on this one. She said that a possibility was to make a geometrical shape on each illustration, I tried doing this, but it just didn't seem to work so well on others, and some of them I just couldn't think in how to place a shape.

I then had a small crit with Mike, he said mainly about how I could present the spreads, and I also mentioned the geometric shapes, I said about getting rid of them as they just weren't working on some, he said my illustrations alone were better and there's no point to them which I agreed. He then said about presenting my spreads, he said you can have the illustration, and then have the text going around, there was two ways in which I could do this;

1.To make the text, like real text, articles that you find yourself.

2. Or make the text lines or any text,as to just put it into context.
This was something I hadn't even considered doing-just putting lines as text, just to represent a layout- I knew I could find relevant texts anyways on each fashion disaster.

I said to Kit that I had scraped the geometrical shapes, she said that it was probably best to do this. Before I had printed the final illustrations. I found one little hting wrong with the Roberto Cavalli one, in which I had some of the computer generated text still one there, when I didn't want it to be, so I just tweaked this.

I looked back at View 2 magazine, looking at the magazine spread- in the newspaper section, to get some inspiration for my layouts.

I started this on the thursday the week before my deadline- I did feel a bit pressured by time, but I think if I work hard on this I can get it done- afterall I am just showing how these illustrations would be put into an editorial. The style of the View 2 newspaper section is very simple, but very bold.

I think the main probelems were the type- there was one in View 2 that I was looking for, but I couldn't find the exact one- but i found a very similar one so I was quite pleased with that.

The other problems I had was the length in some of the stories- they seemed very long so I had to cut some parts out, cut the end off some of them.

The other problem I had was there wasn't much information for the RIP UNION one, so I just used many stories, and combined them for this one.

I managed to get most of this ready by the weekend- so it took me a few days to finish/almost finish my final pieces, and although I didn't spend a lot of time actually putting them into editorials, the main point, which i spend a lot of time on was the illustrations.