This is something that happens throughout universities, where by a group pf people, split into smaller groups help first year students organise/ talk about their work. What we have to do is to produce something in which they keep all their training work in/ things that help them/ make them organise their group. Sort of like a guide for PAL
I wasn't quite sure about this to be honest mainly because of the work I have to do already, but I thought it would be a nice little thing to do just as an extra thing. I thought it was quite a nice little brief and might be fun to do, also I would like to do something quite editorial based so I think this could be a good one to do. There are about 8 people doing this and we was going to work altogether on this, but after thinking about it i just thought that maybe so many people in one group, some people may be too overpowering and maybe not everyone would have the opportunity to speak and get their opinion across.
So I spoke to Kit about my concerns and she did say this even in the briefing that if we wanted to that we could would throw this open to the first years and if you wanted to join them we could so I said that I would be more comfortable with this.
I think that really it will be better for me to do this I feel that in a big group some people would not be able to say what they think and it could be too overpowering, and although its good to have lots of ideas and opinions I think that it could be a potential that you could spend too much time talking bout ideas etc in big groups, whereas in a smaller group I think the time would be used more constuctivly.
I saw met my person!
Yay! Been so nervous about who it is..and I met them monday..jonathan daly..who seems really cool bearing in mind I wasn't quite with it. We just discussed about what we needed to do, and then said what we should do for next time we meet.
Good things..
Love how jonathan seems so into this and the fact he seems quite organised! He also said after- right I'll go to the library then and look through some type..which was cool! Wether he did or not was another thing but it was good as he seemed interested in helping me out.
Meeting 2
Didn't go so well as I was ill with the flu! So I just said what we should do for next time and emaield him with some interesting links that he could have a browse through, and that we should have an edited version of the text we needed to cut- so we could compare what we thought needed to be edited.
Meeting 3
This I thought was quite a positive session! We discussed the fact that the end produc needs to made for under £5, as I forgot last time that. I had edited most of the text given to us, and explained the fact that when i read through it, the text was explained so simply, almost like a dummies guide to PAL, I just thought that it seemed so silly considering as uni students we are supposed to me more professional and talk about things in a amore professional manner. Jonathan had also looked through the links i sent him and pulled out something that interested him, he said that maybe we should do something square, but its hard to design around this. He also looked at possible colours-grey and yellow, i mentioned red, but we both thought it was quite typical, and then we thought about the fact that we might not neccissarily make a book more of a folder or something that folds out like a poster, make it more interactive.
1st one Jonathan pulled out, looking at colours, good type. This he pulled out an its good because it showed a style he like straight away
We thought about colours and I emailed Sally and she said the colours were not changing on the logo-so do what you want. Next time I meet him we are going to show some thumbnails of layouts- images of interest, and crack on,,, we really need to start because I'm worrying about time on this , but I think we have a good start and good images, but I'm also worrying about the other group working on this, the ave some very strong people in this group and seem t be working very well on this a s group in things I red on Emily's blog they have organised themselves well, and like I said really strong people , as having seen there work I believe they are even though they area big group they have very strong team....I'm just hoping we can pull this one off- I want this soo bad! I feel like the competiton is really there and as part of hat I really want to do later I would really like to get this one!
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