Sunday, 15 February 2009

Anna's Theory unit

In this project we have to write a 2500 word essay based on critical analysis of something we want to write on. For this project I have decided to look at Narrative illustration (Narratology).

I am going to look at some illustrations in books, looking at how illustrators translate quotes or text, pieces of news into an image.

The first thing I am going to do is to look at images I may want to use, and read into the critical theory of Narratology.

 After a week of looking through some narrative illustrations and critical theory we had to send Anna email with a brief reading list and Methodology.

Bu then I had some concerns regarding exactly what I was looking at.
general concerns about Anna's theory unit.

the difference between Graphics and Illustration- Topic id Narratology- But I am concerned about whether this is going to be too Illustration based rather than Graphic based.

My proffessional project consists of graphic Illustration, as I am concerned with about whether or not people would consider this as an Illustration theoretical piece, or a Graphics one-  as i have been looking at the likes of Paula Rego. Need help!

maybe I need to look at Graphic Illustrators- but how could I give a critical evaluation on this?

Other things I could look at is the aspects of editorial design:
  • Type
  • Images within a magazine/ newspaper- fashion and semiotics based essay- but did this last year.
  • Could it be that I look at text and images and how the text is interpreted by the image- photography based images. But even though it's not illustration, it still interpreting text.
Meeting with Anna- I spoke to Anna about my thoughts about looking at more Graphics based stuff, rather than illustration based imagery. I had to wait until after the group to make my final decision, I said that I wanted to look more at interpreting text with imagery, I said I had looked at this sort of thing for my professional project, and Anna suggested looking at Eduardo Recife and the journal of New Scientist, which I will look at, and then I need to email Anna by friday with images I am looking at.

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