What was our strapline?
Strap Line
We were really struggling with this to be honest, she said that most of your brief is fulfilled, but the gritty part- but I didn't know what this meant, she said it meant that it's something that you know straight away what it means. So I think with our strap line this is what we need to fulfill. We had some ideas such as: "A key organisation in opening doors" something like that, and thought of words associated with keys;
Just ideas to start us thinking basically.
Key Ring
What is the actual ring going to be made out, and the tag, we thought about having a metal ring around the hole so it would reinforce it, havig paper, cardboard, lamenated or not?
We looked at few websites and found that paper ones were cheaper. She said she'd seen this website Muji where there was a metal one, but it was quite pricey and we wanted to make this as cost effective as possible.
We even thought about how you would donate with this, but this really wasn't part of the brief, it was only to bring awareness about the homeless/Crisis. So I thought there was no point worrying about it too much.
We went to a key shop and we just brought a blank key, in Aluminium , though we were originally planning to make they key out of coloured plastic. Just as an idea, but then we liked the fact that it was Aluminium as it was light weight, and in colour, and hard-wearing.
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